Energy in buildings

Energy in Buildings: retrofitting works

  • An LED lighting upgrade has been made to St Peter’s Car Park which estimates to save approximately £36,000 per year in energy bills and provide a carbon emission saving of around 14 tonnes per year
  • We have had a number of detailed building energy audits completed for our key buildings which includes costed proposals for retrofit improvement work. These buildings include:
    • the Royal Pump Rooms
    • Jephson Gardens Glasshouse (Temperate House)
    • Jubilee House
    • Town Hall
    • Oakley Wood Crematorium
    • Royal Spa Centre
    • Pageant House
    • Arts Building (Spencer Yard)
    • Althorpe Enterprise Hub
    • Newbold Pavilion
  • Further to these energy audits, we will have a Heat Decarbonisation Plan finalised soon, which will help to prioritise work to be delivered and support further funding opportunities
  • Under the Public Sector Decarbonsiation Scheme Phase 3c administered by Salix, we submitted a bid to decarbonise the Royal Spa Centre and Althorpe Enterprise Hub to install insulation measures including solar photovoltaic panels and air source heat pumps. We are awaiting the outcome of this bid submission
  • We have been successful in obtaining £234,000 funding under the Sport England Phase II scheme for the installation of solar photovoltaic panels on the Newbold Comyn Leisure Centre building. When installed, the solar panels are predicted to save 28.3 tonnes of carbon emissions and provide an energy bill saving of £31,931 per year
  • We have taken part in the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Demonstrator programme and identified effective ways to undergo whole house energy retrofits using some of the latest technology available. Examples of the kind of works included are:
    • the replacement of windows with high-performance triple glazing
    • under floor and loft insulation
    • mechanical ventilation with heat recovery to reduce the risk of damp and mould and provide fresh filtered air
  • Through Act on Energy, grants are provided to residents, predominantly for fuel poverty and residents with health conditions, with carbon saving benefits also
  • We have set aside £18m in the Housing Investment Programme for carbon reduction measures in Council homes and we have recruited staff to drive forwards this work alongside the development of a Retrofit Strategy to focus on ‘fabric first’ measure improvements to help our tenants to keep warmer and lower their fuel bills

Energy in Buildings: new buildings

  • Adopting a new Net Zero Carbon Development Plan Document to ensure planning proposal meet improved energy and carbon reduction standards
  • Bringing forward low or zero carbon new buildings:
    • Proposals for the Community Stadium
    • Kenilworth Leisure Centres (these are not zero carbon, but do include some significant energy efficiency reductions over and above building regulations)
    • Significant carbon reduction measures incorporated into the Creative Quarter – Spencer Yard proposal (albeit this is not net zero carbon due to the need to incorporate measures within listed and historic buildings)
  • We are leading the way in working with housebuilders to invest in low carbon social housing including:
    • Development of 54 housing units at Europa Way with carbon reduction upgrades
    • Low carbon homes at Crewe Lane, Kenilworth
    • 43 housing units at Bishops Tachbrook with carbon reduction upgrades
  • We have helped influence the design of the new HQ building of 2nd Warwick Sea Scouts to swap the proposed gas heating system for Air Source Heat Pumps and Photovoltaic Panels
  • Net Zero Carbon standards are included in the draft development brief for the redevelopment of Riverside House
  • There will be a new cycle hire scheme and café at Newbold Comyn which will also be a zero carbon design

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