Whitnash Neighbourhood Development Plan - Made

The Whitnash Neighbourhood Plan was independently examined (reported July 2015) and the recommendations of the Examiner incorporated into the final version of the Plan. This was then subject to a referendum on 26 November 2015. More than half of those voting, voted in favour of the Neighbourhood Plan. This result was reported to a meeting of Warwick District Council (27 January 2016), who agreed to 'make' (bring into legal force) the plan. The plan can be viewed below.

Neighbourhood Plan Documents:

Whitnash Neighbourhood Development Plan Consultation

Whitnash Parish Council as the qualifying body has prepared a neighbourhood development plan, entitled Whitnash Neighbourhood Plan, for their parish with the help of the local community. The plan sets out a vision for the future of the parish and planning policies which will be used to determine planning applications locally.

Consultation Documents

This consultation closed 17 April 2015. This consultation closed on 17 April 2015.  The Council will now work with the Neighbourhood Plan group to take the plan to independent examination. Further detail will appear in due course.

Neighbourhood Area Designation

Whitnash Neighbourhood Area was designated by Executive on 9 January 2013. The town council was the relevant body that applied for the designation. A map of the neighbourhood plan area can be found below.

Whitnash Designated Neighbourhood Plan Area - includes application documents.