South Warwickshire Local Plan

Stratford-on-Avon District Council and Warwick District Council are working together to prepare a new Local Plan for South Warwickshire. The Plan is expected to replace the strategic policies of the existing Stratford-on-Avon Core Strategy which runs until 2031 and Warwick District Local Plan which runs until 2029. The South Warwickshire Local Plan will set out a long-term spatial strategy for housing, jobs, infrastructure and climate change for both Districts.

Both Councils are continuing to work on their other plans and policy documents. More information on these plans can be found on Stratford-on-Avon Planning Policy and Warwick District Council Planning Policy websites, respectively.


A dedicated website for the South Warwickshire Local Plan has been created. It contains everything you need to know about the South Warwickshire Local Plan.

Preferred Options Consultation

The Preferred Options Consultation is the third stage in the process for preparing the new South Warwickshire Local Plan. The Preferred Options Consultation and accompanying targeted Call for Sites ran from 10 January to 7 March 2025. Please visit the South Warwickshire Local Plan website for further information.

Issues & Options and 2nd Call for Sites Consultation

Warwick and Stratford-on-Avon District Councils had undertaken an Issues and Options consultation and 2nd Call for Sites for the South Warwickshire Local Plan. This ran for a period of 8 weeks between Monday 9 January and Monday 6 March 2023. Consultation responses have now been published and are available to view within the online consultation portal. Sites submitted during the 2nd Call for Sites, are now available to view on the Interactive Map alongside sites submitted through the 1st Call for sites. Please note that these sites are presented for information at this stage and have not yet been assessed as to their suitability for inclusion within the Plan nor are they endorsed.

More information can be found on the South Warwickshire Local Plan website.

Initial Scoping and 1st Call for Sites Consultation

The initial Scoping and first Call for Sites consultation ran between 10th May and 21st June 2021. To see the outcome of this consultation, please visit the South Warwickshire Local Plan website.

Stay in touch

If you would like to be kept informed with the progress of the South Warwickshire Local Plan, you can sign up to our mailing list on the South Warwickshire Local Plan website.

If you would like to discuss the emerging South Warwickshire Local Plan, please contact either of the Councils' Planning Policy teams:

Stratford-on-Avon District Council:

Warwick District Council:

View the privacy notice for Stratford-on-Avon District Council Policy Consultation Privacy Notice and for Warwick District Council's Planning Policy Consultation.