If you are extending or building a new building, then the presence of a sewer nearby can have a big impact on the cost or even feasibility of the project. Public sewers within Warwick District are the responsibility of Severn Trent Water.
If you intend to build over or close to a public sewer (normally within 3-5 metres depending on the size), then you must apply to Severn Trent Water for a building over agreement or self-certification declaration. As part of this application, you may need to have a CCTV survey of the drain both before the work and afterwards. This, together with the cost of the application, can add to the cost of the building work.
What is a public sewer?
For more information about the difference between public and sewers and private drains, please look at our sewers page.
How do I know if there is a public sewer nearby?
The location of many main public sewers laid after 1937 is known by Severn Trent Water. To find locations of known sewers, Severn Trent Water have a page providing further information.
Unfortunately, for older sewers (those laid before 1937) and for sewers which were adopted in 2011, it is not always known where these run. Some of these older sewers are shown on the public sewer maps, but many are not. This can be a problem when coming to extend, as the sewer might only be located during the building work. If a public sewer is discovered during the building work, then an application will need to be made to Severn Trent Water if you are building over or within 3-5 metres.
For all building regulations applications involving new buildings or extensions, then we will check the sewer maps as the application is processed. If we find a sewer nearby, we will inform you at the earliest possible opportunity.