Terms and conditions of use
A copy of the organisation’s Public Liability insurance must be received by Warwick District Council (WDC) prior to your activity commencing. The minimum level is £5,000,000. WDC are not responsible for your activity and will indemnify against all claims and losses.
Risk assessment
A copy of your activity risk assessment must accompany your application and comply with your governing bodies guidance.
First Aid
You will need to provide First Aid cover as part of your activity and address this within your risk assessment.
Litter and vandalism
It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure the site is left in a clean and tidy condition. All litter should be placed in the bins provided. Any damage to fixtures and fittings in the park by your organisation must be reported immediately to the Sports and Leisure Team. This may result in a charge to cover the cost of repairs.
Entitlement and payments
The Park Exercise Permit entitles the organisation to use the agreed location during the permit period only. Groups are not permitted to use any of the Children's play equipment or Sports pitches areas, which includes space within 10 metres of any marked pitch. During the year, we have several events planned within our parks and open spaces. As such, if an event requires full use of the park or open space, you may be asked to use another location covered under the Park Exercise Permit scheme. Your existing permit will be transferrable on these occasions. We will aim to give you at least 2 weeks’ notice in every case.
WDC reserve the right to review prices or packages within the agreed fees and charges and will notify you with a minimum of 1 months’ notice. An additional fee will be charged for any damage caused (accidental or deliberate) by Park Exercise Permit holders/attendees and/or participants in order to repair or replace items. Any additional repair or necessary replacement undertaken by WDC as a result shall be charged.
Park Exercise Permits are available either by a one-off annual payment or by monthly payment from the commencement of the permit. The fees are VAT exempt. Permits will be reviewed on a quarterly basis unless otherwise agreed.
Park Exercise Permit
If your application is successful, your permit must be displayed during all sessions, using the arm band sleeve supplied. If the permit is lost or stolen, please inform Sports and Leisure Teams, Business Support on 01926 456207 or email culturebst@warwickdc.gov.uk
Code of conduct
If the activities are deemed to be having a detrimental effect on the wear and tear of the park or open space or the enjoyment of the amenity by other park users, WDC reserve the right to cancel or move the activity at any time. Park Exercise Permit holders do not have exclusive rights over any of the areas within the park. Pathways must be kept clear during your activity. Sports pitches and play areas must be avoided during your activity.
Only handheld exercise equipment can be used such as: jogging weights, Kettle bells and resistance bands, ropes. If you wish to use any large items of keep fit equipment, please contact us directly.
The use of any council property within the activity space for the purpose of fitness training i.e. benches, tables, children’s play equipment, trees, lamp posts, car park, bandstands etc are not permitted for use during your activity.
Read the code of conduct.
General information
Please ensure all participants joining your activity are made aware in advance of all joining instructions, public facilities and car parking.
Using the armband sleeve provided, please ensure your Park Exercise Permit is displayed throughout your activity. Your permit states the activity, time, and location, please do not deviate from this.
WDC operates a zero-tolerance policy towards its staff, please treat all staff and users in a polite manner.
Group sizes must not exceed 50 people per session, unless written permission is obtained by the Council first. Please inform us of any changes to group sizes.
Some parks that we are offering usage of for the Park Exercise Permit are Green Flag Awarded, please click on the following link for further information and guidance Safer Parks Executive Summary (greenflagaward.org)
In accordance with Planning Regulations, Park Exercise Permit organisations are not permitted to display banners or posters around the park, open space or Highway. During your session, you are permitted to display small signage to advertise meeting points. This must be agreed prior to use.