Mandatory Licensing payments and fees
This page is for the payment of Mandatory Licence fees for properties with 5 or more tenants which require a licence under the national scheme. The national scheme came into force in 2006. If your property was previously non-licensable, and you are required to obtain a licence under the local Additional Licensing Scheme, please visit the Additional Licensing Fees and payments page.
Payment of licence fees can only be made online using a debit or credit card, we no longer accept cash or cheques.
If you pay online for a new licence fee or a renewal, please tick the box on the enclosure list - item no.12 on Page 10 of Form 1 (‘The Property’). Please also enter the date on which payment was made.
Stage 1 and Stage 2 fees
All applicants are now required to submit their fees in 2 stages :
- Stage 1 licence/renewal fee to be paid when submitting a licence application and will cover initial application processing costs.
- Stage 2 licence fee/renewal to be paid once the Council has decided to issue a licence, at draft licence stage. Licence will only be issued once Stage 2 fee is paid.
New licences and licence renewals
Although the fees differ depending on whether it is an initial application or a renewal, both of these follow the same principle – the number of occupiers determine the fee payable. Your application must specify the maximum number of persons you wish to accommodate, since your licence will impose a maximum number. If you intend to increase the number of occupiers beyond the number specified on your licence at any point during the licence term, you must contact us to discuss varying your licence first.
If the ownership or licence holder has changed you must submit a new licence application and not a renewal.
Licence fees for 2025
See the fee sheet for details of the HMO Licence fees applicable from January 1st 2025. Licence fees are reviewed annually.
Pay Stage 1 fees for new licence applications
This is for a new licence application, to be paid when you submit your application forms and supporting documents. Please select the correct number of occupiers.
- New Licence Stage 1 Fee (5 Occupiers)
- New Licence Stage 1 Fee (6-12 Occupiers)
- New Licence Stage 1 Fee (13-20 Occupiers)
- New Licence Stage 1 Fee (21+ Occupiers)
Pay Stage 2 fees for new licence applications
This is the second payment due for new licence application, you will be asked to make this payment if your application was sucessful. It must be paid before your draft licence will be sent out. Please select the correct number of occupiers.
- New Licence Stage 2 Fee (5 Occupiers)
- New Licence Stage 2 Fee (6-12 Occupiers)
- New Licence Stage 2 Fee (13-20 Occupiers)
- New Licence Stage 2 Fee (21+ Occupiers)
Pay Stage 1 licence renewal fees
This is for subsequent licence applications, where the licence holder and owner remains the same. It's to be paid when you submit your application forms and supporting documents. Please select the correct number of occupiers.
- Renewal Stage 1 Fee (5 Occupiers)
- Renewal Stage 1 Fee (6-12 Occupiers)
- Renewal Stage 1 Fee (13-20 Occupiers)
- Renewal Stage 1 Fee (21+ Occupiers)
Pay Stage 2 licence renewal fees
- Renewal Stage 2 Fee (5 Occupiers)
- Renewal Stage 2 Fee (6-12 Occupiers)
- Renewal Stage 2 Fee (13-20 Occupiers)
- Renewal Stage 2 Fee (21+Occupiers)
Pay Miscellaneous payment
You may have been asked to make an additional payment for admin services, underpayments or late application fees. They can be made on the miscellanaeous payment form.
Licence changes
There is no longer a charge made to vary an HMO licence or to change the named manager. It is necessary to apply for a variation where the licence holder proposes to increase the permitted occupancy or has a new manager for the property. It is a requirement that you also notify us of a change of address or contact details for the licence holder or manager.
If you are in any doubt regarding the correct fee, please contact the Private Sector Housing Team on 01926 456 359 or by emailing