Letter for tenants and leaseholders - September 2024

The following letters have been sent in September 2024:

Council tenants and leaseholders

Housing Standards update

As you know, we aim to keep you informed about news and developments that are important to you. This latest update is to let you know about recent changes to the way that social housing is regulated and what this means for you.

These changes were introduced earlier this year, and to ensure that the Council meets these new standards, we carried out a self-assessment of our housing service and asked an independent organisation to give us their opinion on the results.

It was agreed that there were areas where we could make improvements and as a result, we have put in place an improvement plan and contacted the Regulator for Social Housing to share our findings with them.

The Housing Regulator has considered the documents that we shared with them and has assessed the Council as a C3 rating, which confirms that there are some improvements to our service that we need to make. However, they have also noted the constructive way in which we are working with them and the transparency of our approach.

What changes will you see?

You will find that we are working at pace to ensure that we put in place new processes to help to improve your housing service, and these include:

  • improve systems and processes for the delivery and monitoring of health and safety requirements and repairs
  • commissioned a full survey to understand the condition of our housing properties
  • improve our complaints handling resources and processes.

The Council is one of several local authorities who have been rated by the Regulator for Social Housing since the introduction of these new housing standards.

Your housing team will continue to work hard together to make the necessary improvements to the measures and processes required. And I would like to reassure you that safety and compliance remains at the heart of our housing service.

Get in touch

If you have any questions about this or require further information, please email talktohousing@warwickdc.gov.uk or visit our website.

Yours sincerely
Lisa Barker
Head of Housing Services

Shared ownership

Housing Standards update

As you know, we aim to keep you informed about news and developments that are important to you.  This latest update is to let you know about recent changes to the way that social housing is regulated and what this means for you.

These changes were introduced earlier this year, and to ensure that the Council meets these new standards, we carried out a self-assessment of our housing service and asked an independent organisation to give us their opinion on the results.

It was agreed that there were areas where we could make improvements and as a result, we have put in place an improvement plan and contacted the Regulator for Social Housing to share our findings with them.

The Housing Regulator has considered the documents that we shared with them and has assessed the Council as a C3 rating, which confirms that there are some improvements to our service that we need to make.  However, they have also noted the constructive way in which we are working with them and the transparency of our approach.

What changes will you see?

You will find that we are working at pace to ensure that we put in place new processes to help to improve your housing service, and these include:

  • improve our complaints handling resources and processes.

The Council is one of several local authorities who have been rated by the Regulator for Social Housing since the introduction of these new housing standards.

Your housing team will continue to work hard together to make the necessary improvements to the measures and processes required. And I would like to reassure you that safety and compliance remains at the heart of our housing service.

Get in touch

If you have any questions about this or require further information, please email talktohousing@warwickdc.gov.uk.

Yours sincerely
Lisa Barker
Head of Housing Services