How is my band assessed on Homechoice?

We place applicants into bands based on their housing need. There are four bands in total, and we will place you in the band which reflects your current circumstances. The following table gives you an indication of what band you may be placed in. However, you should refer to the housing allocations policy for more detailed information.

Band 1

  • Homeless applicants where we have accepted a full duty under Part VII of the Housing Act 1996 as amended.
  • People with medical priority in exceptional circumstances.
  • Council approved clearance and demolition, lease expiry (6 months).
  • Acute overcrowding (lacking 3 bedrooms).
  • Releasing significantly adapted social housing.
  • Private rented sector properties identified as having insanitary or unfit conditions by Council’s Private Sector Housing Team.
  • Special-agency referral from organisations, such as Warwickshire County Council Adult Health and Community Services; Children, Young People and Families Services; and Probation. We will assess these referrals on a case-by case-basis.
  • Care-Leaver referred by Warwickshire County Council as placement will end at age 18. Band 1 preference will only apply to applicants with an established local connection to Warwick district through employment, residency or family associations
  • Exceptional need to move as decided by Housing Head of Service where the only way to resolve the housing need is using discretion.
  • Foster Carers and adopters following a referral from Warwickshire County Council.
  • Under-occupation of a 4-bed property or larger.
  • Serious threat to a child under the age of 18. Additional preference will be awarded in conjunction with Warwickshire County Council’s assessment.
  • Armed-forces cases promoted from Band 2, due to additional preference being awarded.

Band 2

  • Move-on from Warwick District Council accredited supported accommodation for those who are assessed as vulnerable.
  • People with severe medical conditions or disabilities whose current housing is unsuitable, and the issues cannot be resolved.
  • Care and support for those who need to move to give or receive ongoing substantial support as assessed by Warwickshire County Council.
  • Financial or economic hardship.
  • Applicants who need to move due to threat of domestic abuse, violence or harassment but who are not in immediate danger, as determined by an appropriate approved risk assessment by the referral agency.
  • Council approved clearance and demolition, lease expiry (12 months).
  • Overcrowded by 2 bedrooms in line with the bedroom requirement (see page 8).
  • Move-on from Care referred by Warwickshire County Council. Band 2 preference will only apply to applicants aged between 18 and 21 with an established local connection to Warwick district through employment, residency or family associations.
  • Private rented sector properties where a Prohibition Order has been served.
  • Two-for-One Moves where two social housing tenants want to move in together and will free up two properties.
  • Inheriting a tenancy you cannot stay in because it would lead to under-occupation or overcrowding.
  • Homelessness - where applicants are owed the Prevention or Relief Duty or are found to not be in priority need of accommodation or intentionally homeless.
  • Under-occupation where tenants of social housing are occupying a house and are willing to move to a smaller property.
  • ‘Child in need’ where rehousing is recommended for the welfare of the child.
  • Armed-forces cases promoted from Band 3, due to additional preference being awarded.

Band 3

  • Homeless households who have been classed as ‘homeless intentionally’ in line with homelessness law when the relief duty has been ended or where no housing duties are owed.
  • People who are neither an owner nor a tenant.
  • Families with one or more children younger than 10 living above the ground floor.
  • Applicants permanently sharing more than one facility, for example a bath, toilet or kitchen, with another household.
  • Applicants under-occupying a flat, maisonette or bungalow who are willing to move to a smaller sized property.
  • Households who are overcrowded by 1 bedroom in line with the bedroom requirement

Band 4

  • Eligible applicants without a housing need, with a local connection.
  • Existing social housing tenants who are adequately housed.
  • Applicants without a local connection (and not exempt from the local- connection criteria as set out on page 3 of the housing allocations policy) but who are in a reasonable preference category