Who can apply for housing through HomeChoice?
To register on HomeChoice, you must:
be over 16 years old (we usually only offer tenancies to applicants aged over 18, so if you are under 18, please contact the Housing Advice Team to discuss your options);
meet the immigration rules to move into social housing;
not be guilty of unacceptable behaviour
have a local connection to Warwick district.
Pages in Applying for social housing
Applying for social housing
What is HomeChoice?
How can I apply for Homechoice?
You are here: Who can apply for housing through HomeChoice?
What is a local connection?
How is my application assessed?
How is my band assessed on Homechoice?
How do you decide which band a property is advertised in?
What can affect my banding?
What type and size property am I able to bid for?
What happens if my circumstances change?
Can the Council bid for me?
What happens if I refuse an offer of accommodation?
How do I bid?
I don’t have a computer. How can I bid?
What happens if I am offered a property?
How long will it take to get an offer?
How can I contact the Council?