Hygiene ratings

Each business is given a hygiene rating when it is inspected by a food safety officer.

Complain about food or food premises

You can complain about unhygienic food premises, methods of food handling, food products that are unsatisfactory (mouldy, contaminated or "gone-off") and other related issues.

Complaints procedure

On making a complaint, you will be asked to provide your name and address (which will be kept confidential), together with details of your complaint. It is helpful if you could be as precise as possible in order to aid our investigation, for example, name or address of premises complained of, precise nature of complaint, and name or description of person complained of, if relevant. Whatever the circumstances, it is essential you contact us as soon as possible. Following the completion of any investigation, you will be advised of the outcome of any action that has been taken. In the case of complaints about food products, please note that any investigation will NOT address the question of compensation. 

Our commitment to you

Following receipt of a complaint or request for advice, we will endeavour to contact you and commence our investigation or provide advice within 24 hours. We will endeavour to complete our investigation and decide whether we can take any statutory action within 2 months of receipt of your complaint.

Food poisoning and food related infections

We are most concerned about E. coli, which is the most infectious of the food related infections, and we offer guidance on E. coli to caterers and the public. Should you be unfortunate enough to suffer from such illnesses, reported to us by your GP, we contact you to ask for details of the food you have eaten and the places you have visited several days before you became ill. In addition, you may be asked to provide a specimen of faeces in order for us to determine the nature of your illness. You may also be advised not to attend work if it is possible that you will pass on the infection as a food handler or carer.

Advice and information for food businesses

The most effective advice is given when an Environmental Health Practitioner calls at your particular premises to give the specific advice that you need. 
