Rate relief for film studios
At the Budget on 6 March, the Chancellor announced that eligible film studios in England will receive a 40% reduction on gross business rates bills until 2034. The relief once implemented will be backdated to 1 April 2024.
Film studio rate relief is available for a chargeable day in the financial years 2024/25 to 2033/34 for a hereditament which for the chargeable day is:
- Used (or if unused appears that when next in use would be used) for the production of films or television programmes and in whole or in part comprises sound stages or film sets, and
- Valued by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) as a studio falling within one of the following VOA’s valuation categories for film studios:
- temporary or semi-permanent filming studios
- older filming studios, whether converted or purpose built
- modern industrial conversion filming studios (typically converted to film studios post 2010)
- modern purpose built filming studios (typically built post 2010)
- campus sites
The scheme is available to new, existing and expanding facilities. It is also available on conversions of previously industrial buildings provided they meet the tests above. As at early 2025, the government anticipated that about 40 hereditaments will qualify in about 25 billing authorities.
There are no occupation conditions for film studio relief. Relief is available where the above conditions are met irrespective of whether the property is occupied or whether occupation or ownership changes
Application process
You do not need to apply for this. The Valuation Office Agency will inform us if we have any eligible properties in our area.
You can find more information about this scheme on the government's film studio relief page.