Amount of relief

The amount of relief is tapered and percentages used seek to maximise the available funding. The amount per year is calculated as follows:

  • 2017/18 – Award = Increase in rate liability (as calculated in 3.1b) x 40%
  • 2018/19 – Award = Increase in rate liability (as calculated in 3.1b) x 20%
  • 2019/20 – Award = Increase in rate liability (as calculated in 3.1b) x 8%
  • 2020/21 – Award = Increase in rate liability (as calculated in 3.1b) x 1%

At the outset of the scheme the amount of relief awarded will match the available funding. However during the year typically ratepayers will vacate premises and relief will be apportioned accordingly and, as a consequence, an underspend is likely to occur. Given that the government have said that underspent money cannot be rolled into the following year the Section 151 officer, in consultation with the Finance Portfolio Holder, will review the scheme in year, for each year, and have the option to increase the relief percentage accordingly to ensure total funding is spent.