The Valuation Office Agency prepares a new rating list for each council every 5 years that shows the rateable value of all non-domestic properties in its area. As from 1 April 2023 the Valuation Office will be preparing a new list every 3 years. It shows all properties in the area, their rateable values, and their descriptions. The properties are listed in alphabetical street order within postal areas and every property has its own reference number.
The previous ratings lists and valuation dates are as follows:
- the 2010 list and was valid until 31st March 2017 has the rateable values based on the valuation date of 1 April 2008.
- the 2017 list which came in on 1st April 2017 has the rateable value based on the valuation date of 1 April 2015.
- the 2023 list which will start on 1st April 2023 has the rateable value based on the valuation date of 1 April 2021.
How to report changes
If your premises are in England, you can report changes using your business rates valuation account.
Contact the Valuation Office
Telephone: 03000 501 501
Sharing more information on business rates valuations
VOA will share improved information on business rates valuations in phases:
- By 2026, ratepayers will be able to see more tailored information about their property
- By 2029, ratepayers will be able to see more specific valuation information and evidence
The changes include a new duty on ratepayers to provide information about their property to the VOA.
The new information duty on ratepayers is expected to be introduced after 1 April 2026. It will be tested with a small number of customers in phases to make sure the system works for all ratepayers. The duty will then be formally activated and mandated for everyone by 1 April 2029.
The new duty means ratepayers will have to tell the VOA within 60 days when there are changes to their property. These include changes to:
- the occupier
- their lease or rent
- the property