Alcohol and regulated entertainment

Alcohol Licensing - New Temporary Off-Sales Permissions - Ends 31st March 2025

Provision in the Business and Planning Act 2020 temporarily modified the Licensing Act 2003. This provided an automatic extension to the terms of most premises licences which only permit the sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises, to allow the sale of alcohol for consumption off the premises. It has been confirmed that these regulations will now end on 31st March 2025. This means that any businesses that do not have 'off sales' on their premises licence already will no longer be able to sell alcohol for consumption off the premises without a change to the premises licence. Please contact the Licensing team to discuss how to vary your licence.

The Licensing Act 2003 licences the sale of alcohol, the provision of late night refreshment, the provision of live and recorded music, films, plays, dancing, boxing, wrestling, indoor sporting events and provision of facilities for dancing or making music. The licensable activities are:

  • To sell alcohol
  • To supply alcohol to a club member or sell to a guest of the club member (qualifying clubs only)
  • To provide regulated entertainment
  • To sell hot food or drink between 23:00 and 05:00 for consumption on or off the premises (including takeaways and mobile caterers except hotels, staff canteens or campsites)

These activities may only be carried out on or under and in accordance with one of the following

The licensing objectives

The Licensing Act sets out the key licensing objectives that must be promoted by the council as the licensing authority. They are:

  • The prevention of crime and disorder
  • Public safety
  • The prevention of public nuisance
  • Protection of children from harm

The licence holder, Warwick District Council and other agencies must work together to promote these objectives.

Further guidance for applicants

Every premises where alcohol is supplied under a premises licence requires a Designated Premises Supervisors, and these individuals require a personal licence.

Once a licence has been granted, the licensing authority is able to impose terms, conditions, and restrictions on that licence. This could be either in the form of conditions specific to the individual and mandatory conditions applicable to all premises.

Council licensing act policy

The council's licensing act policy sets out the approach that the licensing authority intends to take in determining applications and carrying out its duties in terms of regulation and enforcement. 

Search for licences or submitted applications

Representations for or against an application

Any resident or local business, or someone acting on their behalf such as a residents' association, trade association or elected councillor, may make 'representations' or comments to the council about applications for new licences, variations, or reviews. Comments may be positive or negative, but will only be considered 'relevant' by the council if they relate clearly to the licensing objectives.

Councils may also reject comments considered to be 'frivolous' (not serious or time-wasting) or if they relate to personal disputes between businesses.

If the council considers your reasons for making representations are relevant, it will arrange a hearing to consider the evidence. You, or someone representing you, will be invited to the hearing to explain your concerns. A representation can be made by:

If you make a representation in relation to an application, your full representation along with your personal details will be included in a public agenda. If you wish for these details to be excluded from the public agenda, please contact the Licensing department.

Apply for a review of a licence

You may apply for a review of a licence or certificate that is in force. It is not intended to allow a second attempt to persuade the licensing authority following failed representations on an earlier occasion. It is a formal process and therefore before applying for a review you wish to consider if your concern could be dealt without outside of the formal review process.

Apply for a licence

You can complete Licensing Act 2003 application forms online or on paper applications. 

Premises and club application forms

It is in the public interest that the application is processed as quickly as possible, so if you do not hear from us within a reasonable time, please contact us. For information how long the team will take in determination the application, please see the Timescale Policy.

Any application which receives representations would require a hearing. Details of previous hearings, minutes agendas and reports.

Licence fee and length

The application must be accompanied by the fee and the correct supporting documentation in order to prevent the delay in the processing or acceptance of your application.

Each premises which holds a licence (excluding parish/community halls which do not sell alcohol) has to pay an annual fee. Warwick District Council issue invoices for annual fees in November each year for all premises whose licence was granted on or before the 24th November 2005. All other premises will be issued shortly before the anniversary of the licence. Please note, a licence will be suspended if the annual fee is not paid.

Paying your annual fee

If a licensed premises does not pay their annual fee on the due date, the licensing authority are required to suspend the licence to operate.

The premises licence has no expiry date and must be surrendered in writing to be removed. It can also be removed by the Committee following a review.

Compliance and enforcement activities

Throughout the year, officers of the Licensing Authority will carry out risk based and unannounced inspections of all licensed premises to ensure conditions of licence and safe standards are being maintained. Any identified failings will be dealt with in accordance with the Enforcement Policy.

In partnership with EUGO