Tender for contracts
If an organisation is successful in applying for a tender, a set of tender documents will be forwarded. On occasions the council may use an open tendering procedure. This means that all applicants will be invited to tender for the contract. The information submitted will be considered together with the tender bid at the same time. The tender documents will typically consist of all or some of the following:
- Letter of Invitation: This will advise where, and by when, tenders should be submitted.
- Instructions to Tenderers: This provides guidance for completing the tender documentation.
- Form of Tender: the Company’s agreement to the terms and conditions of the tender.
- Terms and Conditions of Contract: Defines how the council will let the contract, the rules the tenderer must comply with and the relationship between the council and the successful contractor.
- Specification: Sets out what needs to be achieved including policies, procedures or guidelines to be followed. It sets out the performance standards and outcomes expected.
- Schedule of Rates: The pricing document where the tenderer enters their price for performance of the contract.
- Quality requirements/ Method statements: Defines how a company intends to provide the supplies or service, and provides evidence demonstrating relevant experience and capacity. This will be used in evaluating the bid. A company will be expected to demonstrate its commitment to council policies as outlined in the documentation.
- Any other relevant information
Tender evaluation and contract award
All tenders received by the closing time for tenders will be evaluated against the relevant criteria. The Council shall only award a contract that meets the Council’s statutory or approved objectives and priorities; and where there is the best value for money, except contracts where the lowest price was pre-determined to be the appropriate criteria.
The successful tenderer will be notified via E Portal CSWJETS
- Debriefing: Within the limits of commercial confidentiality, the council will always endeavour to offer unsuccessful tenderers feedback on their bids. Information will normally be fed back by the council's Procurement Manager and this may be used to assist any future bids.
- Electronic Trading: The Council has increased the levels of electronic trading(tendering, ordering, invoicing) it undertakes. The aim is to reduce the costs associated with procurement processes for both the Council and its suppliers. The Council will seek to work with suppliers to help deliver its e-Commerce strategy. The Council believes that embracing e-commerce would open up suppliers products and services to a wider market.
- Contract Monitoring: Suppliers and contractors will be monitored to assess their compliance any service level agreement forming part of any contract. Contracts have to be performed in accordance with the requirements set out in the documentation. Contract conditions will be strictly applied.
- The Council is continuously striving to improve its performance in all aspects of the organisation and it expects its contractors to do likewise.
If you are interested in receiving tender documents and bidding for procurement opportunities with Warwick District Council, can you kindly register on our E Portal and search for contracts.