This guide has been produced to assist prospective tenderers who wish to bid for contracts with Warwick District Council. It provides an insight into our tendering procedures for supplies and services and gives potential suppliers information about what opportunities might exist for doing business with Warwick District Council.
At the link below, further information is available about the goods and services that we plan to procure in the upcoming year with a list of contact names, and details attached to each item if you want to find out more. This list is not an invitation to tender, but aims to provide advice for our suppliers and potential suppliers about our anticipated requirements.
Providing best value for Warwick District Council
In April 2000 the government introduced a new regime for all councils called "Best Value". All council services must be reviewed to improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness in the way in which they are provided. In order to do this, we must ensure that the way we deliver our services satisfies the needs of our customers, and is based upon an assessment of our performance in relation to other providers. Once any review has been carried out, and all evidence gathered a decision is then taken on the best way forward.
For the Procurement team this means that we will offer advice on the contractual method of service delivery which will most likely deliver "Best Value" to the public.
If a decision is made to change a part, or the whole of an area of service provision, which involves a tendering procedure, we have a duty to ensure that the contract demonstrates "Best Value" and continuous improvement. We also recognise that alternative providers can often add value to the process based on their own experience, and we will work to draw this out via our contractual arrangements.
Warwick District Council is obliged to provide information to suppliers which relates to the process of bidding for contracts.