Busking creates a vibrant and exciting atmosphere in Warwick district. We wish to ensure that busking continues to contribute to the thriving district. Street entertainment and busking is not administered or regulated by Warwick District Council as it is not a licensable activity. However, under the noise and statutory nuisance act 1993 if the noise level is deemed to be a statutory nuisance then councils have the right, along with the police, to take action against those who cause or allow a nuisance to occur.

Policy on street entertainment and busking

We wish to ensure that everyone benefits from such entertainment whist minimising noise disturbance and any intrusive behaviour that could affect neighbouring businesses, residents, visitors or the surrounding environment. Therefore, we have a best practice guidance produced by Warwick District Council together with our Environmental Health, BID Leamington, Warwickshire Police, Musicians' Union and licensing teams.

What street entertainment is going on in my area?

As we do not issue licences we do not keep a public register of buskers and street entertainers.

Reporting problems

If you find that you are being disturbed by buskers you can report the nuisance in the following ways: 

  • For matters of behaviour and highway obstruction - Warwickshire Police on 101
  • For matters of noise - Environmental Health on 01926 456741 

Applying to be a street entertainer in Warwick district

There is no need to apply for consent unless you wish to sell products such as CDs for which a street trading consent is required.