Mobile Home Act fees

New site licence application, variation or transfer fee

Site Fee
Sites with up to 10 units £392.70
Sites with 11 to 50 units £440
Sites with 51 to 100 units £486.20
Sites with more than 100 units at cost

Site annual inspection fee

Site Fee
Sites with up to 10 units £314.60
Sites with 11 to 50 units £361.90
Sites with 51 to 100 units £407
Sites with more than 100 units  at cost
Re-inspection Fee £115.50
Administrative Fee £46.60


  • A re-inspection fee will be payable if a follow-up inspection is required following the annual inspection.
  • An administrative fee will be payable if works are required, but no site visit needed following the annual inspection, such as production of documents.

Charge for Fit and Proper Person Check

The charge to complete a fit and proper person check for the caravan operator is £277.20.

Deposit of site rules

The fee will be based on the hourly rate for our Legal Services, checking the site rules.    

Fee Payments

Fees for leisure licensing are payable online only. Please go to the payment link below, select 'Other Payments' and the relevant 'Mobile Homes/Site' fee from the drop down list.

Online Payment Portal