Use the following numbers and email addresses to contact areas of the housing department: 

Housing officers

To speak to your housing officer about all issues relating to your tenancy agreement, neighbour nuisance, anti-social behaviour problems and estate problems, call (01926) 456129 option 3 then option 2

Estates services and building cleaning

Please contact the estates team if you identify any issues on our estates or have an enquiry about any of the following:

  • Access to your meter/meter readings
  • Grounds maintenance
  • Cleaning
  • Fly tipping
  • Blocked bin chutes/ issues with bin capacity
  • Items being stored in communal areas

Estates - 01926 456129 option 3 then option 3

Housing trees

If you have enquires regarding trees on housing land, please report a garden maintenance or tree issue on council rented housing property, ensuring you provide all the following information:

  • Reasons why the tree is of concern and details as to how it presents a health and safety issue
  • Contact details including name, address and telephone number/email address
  • Where possible, an image of the tree(s) in question


You can request a general council housing repair online. 

  • To report a repair call (01926) 456129 option 1 during working hours (Monday to Thursday, 8.45am - 5.15pm, Friday 8.45am - 4.45pm)
  • The out-of-hours hotline for emergency repairs only is (01926) 456129


Visit the housing rents page for more information.

For enquiries about paying your rent, including direct debits, call (01926) 456129 option 3 then option 1

Help with your finances from the money advice team

Difficulties paying your rent

For money advice, call (01926) 456336, or email This service is only available to Warwick District Council housing tenants. 


To discuss tenants' contents insurance, call (01926) 456031

Disabled adaptations

Visit council adaptations for disabled tenants, or call (02476) 376 299.

Buying your home

For information on the Right To Buy scheme, call (01926) 456031


For all issues relating to the letting of council properties and garages call (01926) 456129 option 2

Supported housing

Visit supported and sheltered housing. For information, call 0300 303 5573


  • To apply for a garage, call (01926) 456129 option 2
  • To report a repair to a garage call (01926) 456129 option 1 during working hours (Monday to Thursday, 8.45am - 5.15pm, Friday 8.45am - 4.45pm)

Housing advice

Get information on the Homechoice scheme and housing advice and homelessness. For further information, call (01926) 456129 option 2

Tenant engagement

For information on getting involved in housing services, visit Tenant involvement, or call (01926) 456357.

Overdue gas servicing

  • Energy Team - (01926) 456035
  • Sue Sweeney - (01926) 456434

Tenancy enforcement

Contact tenancy enforcement on (01926) 456419.

Lifeline service

Visit Lifeline Service, or use the 24-hour number - 0300 303 5573.

To email us

To write to us

Housing Services
Warwick District Council
Town Hall, Parade
Royal Leamington Spa
CV32 4AT

Accountable persons for Consumer Standards

Registered providers must make information available to tenants about the relevant roles and responsibilities of senior level employees or officers, including who has responsibility for compliance with the consumer standards.

Further information about the Consumer Standards can be found on our website

Lisa Barker, Head of Housing is responsible for overseeing the delivery of all strategic and landlord services and so is responsible for ensuring overall compliance with the Regulator of Social Housing’s Consumer Standards. 

She is supported by Phil Dark, Asset Manager who oversees the repairs, maintenance and investment service. Phil is responsible for overseeing compliance with the Safety and Quality Standard and is in turn supported by a Health and Safety lead.

Health and Safety lead

Under the Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023, we are required to have a named lead person on matters relating to the health and safety of tenant’s homes. Richard Barrett is the named lead for Housing and will support the council to comply with all laws relating to Building Safety. Richard will provide advice and highlight risk and issues where concerns are identified, including for high rise blocks.

Compliance Manager

Simon Hodges will work alongside the Health and Safety Lead to arrange all activities required, such as risk assessments, servicing and testing. He will also arrange surveys to monitor the quality and condition of tenant’s homes and set out plans to ensure the Decent Homes standard is met.

Fire Safety lead

Under Fire Safety Legislation we are required to appoint competent persons to review and arrange fire safety measures. Peter Colley is the named lead for Housing.

Technical Manager

Andy Paul is responsible for delivering works to deal with Disrepair, Health and Safety improvements, and Decent Homes compliance. He will also assist, tenants seeking housing adaptations services.

If you have any questions or concerns about health and safety issues relating to a council home, please call 01926 456129.

Other standards:

Caroline Russell, Landlord Services Manager oversees tenancy and neighbourhood management services and is responsible for overseeing compliance with the Tenancy Standard, the Neighbourhood and Community Standard.

Kevin Tebbett, Housing Needs Manager has responsibility for those aspects that come under the Tenancy Standard for housing allocations and lettings.

Sally Kelsall, Housing Strategy and Enabling Manager is delivering improvements in the Transparency, Influence and Accountability Standard particularly for tenant engagement and managing complaints.

Paul Smith is the programme lead for delivering the Consumer Standards  improvement plan and has wider responsibility for service and digital improvements and performance data and information.

If you have any questions or concerns about compliance with the consumer standards, email

Officers with responsibility for the outcomes of the Consumer standards regularly report into a governance structure that provides the check and challenge and assurance that the requirements of the standards are being met. This governance structure comprises of;

Housing Consumer Standards Board

The Board is made up of senior officers, a tenant representative and representatives from the housing sector who are separate to the Council and provide valuable independent check and challenge on whether we are meeting all the outcomes of the Consumer Standards.

Housing Scrutiny Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to review and challenge the progress in respect to ensuring compliance with the Consumer Standards under the Social Housing (Regulation) Act. The Committee provides assurance on the delivery of this to Cabinet (as the responsible body) on behalf of the Council. They also have an overall view on the operation and delivery of the Housing Investment Plan and the Housing financial accounts.

Copies of agendas, papers and minutes are available on the Councils website

Other key areas of the consumer standards are:

Complaints handling

Chris Randall, Customer Service Team Leader manages specific complaints for the Housing service.

If you have any questions or concerns about the complaints process, or in fact have a complaint about the Councils services please email:

The Resident Influencing Group (RIG)

Tenants can join this important group who then attend routine meetings as part of a team working closely with housing services staff to directly influence service priorities, improvement proposals and scrutinise service performance.

There are also other ways that you could get involved;

  • Armchair Reviewers
  • Community Adviser
  • Resident Writers

Find out how you could get involved email: or call 01926 456 357

Your voice helps us shape services that work better for you, and we are committed to keeping you updated every step of the way.