Can you provide more litter bins or increase emptying of litter bins?

There is a network of over 1200 litter bins across Warwick District, located on the street and in parks and open spaces. The bins are emptied on varying frequencies depending on their location and usage. Until recently, this provision was sufficient to keep the district clean and tidy. However, there has been a noticeable increase in litter since lockdown restrictions were eased on 12th April 2021. The recent takeaway only restriction on food and drink outlets was creating more litter on the street. In addition, the restriction on outdoor gatherings only also meant that our parks and open spaces were a lot busier than usual. Litter bins have been filing up fast and the Council is trying it’s best to keep on top of it.

Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as increasing litter bin numbers or emptying frequencies. A new litter bin costs approx. £450 to purchase and install. Then there is the ongoing cost of emptying that bin. The total cost of emptying litter bins in Warwick District is currently around £430,000 per year! On top of this, there are additional costs for picking up litter and dealing with fly-tipping.

The Council doesn’t have the money to keep increasing litter bin numbers or emptying frequencies. Instead, we’re looking at new and different ways of managing the current issues of litter within the resources available. Among other things, we’re investigating whether bins in quieter locations can be emptied less frequently, allowing bins in busier areas to be emptied more regularly. We’re also asking people to take responsibility for their rubbish and take it home with them if litter bins are full or find another litter bin to use.