Why are some areas of grass within the highway left long while other grass is cut short?

Some areas of highway grass are planted with crocus or daffodil bulbs and will not be cut until the bulb foliage has died down, approximately six weeks after flowering. In other areas, grass cutting is carried out a reduced level to encourage wildflowers whilst still ensuring pedestrian and driver safety.

Reduced Mowing Pilot – Park Hill, Kenilworth (Spring/Summer 2021)

A number of grassed areas in the Park Hill area of Kenilworth have been carefully selected to take part in a ‘No Mow’ pilot which will enable wildflowers to flourish and support bees, butterflies and other pollinators.

The grassed areas in these locations will not be mown until late summer 2021, though essential mowing of sightlines for safety will still be done.

The pilot is being managed by volunteer group Bee Friendly Kenilworth (BFK) with the support of Warwick District Council and Warwickshire County Council. BFK volunteers will monitor the sites, recording wildflower and bee species and organise litter picking events to ensure the sites remain attractive and become mini havens for nature.

For more information please get in touch with Bee Friendly Kenilworth (BFK):

