Why is the grass so long?
Grass is cut at various frequencies depending on the nature and usage of a site, for example, meadows are usually cut annually, whilst grass verges are cut 10 times a year. Grass cutting usually takes place between April and March. The growth of grass is completely dependent on weather conditions and there are times when it will grow quicker than others. Schedules may vary slightly in extreme weather conditions. Whilst it is appreciated that some people would prefer to see grass cut more often there are also many who would like to see it cut much less frequently to enhance the environment and increase biodiversity. A number of factors are taken into account when developing the grounds maintenance schedules and it is reviewed regularly.
Electric mowing equipment
On 29th March 2021, the Council commenced a new grounds maintenance contract with idverde. The 8 year contract aims to be carbon neutral by 2025 and includes the introduction of a range of electric and zero-emission tools, from handsaws and mowers to ride-on tractors.
The level of electric equipment being used on a grounds maintenance contract of this nature is pioneering and there is full confidence that it can deliver the Council’s requirements and environmental objectives.
There is likely to be a period of adjustment in the initial months of the contract whilst we move to the use of electric mowers. Weather conditions, particularly when warm and wet, can have an impact on grass length which in turn can affect the efficiency of equipment. This may mean that we have to slow down grass cutting in order to reach the required standards. In these situations, the Council and idverde will work together to ensure the best use of resources to get things back on track.
Reduced Mowing Pilot – Park Hill, Kenilworth (Spring/Summer 2021)
A number of grassed areas in the Park Hill area of Kenilworth have been carefully selected to take part in a ‘No Mow’ pilot which will enable wildflowers to flourish and support bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
The grassed areas in these locations will not be mown until late summer 2021, though essential mowing of sightlines for safety will still be done.
The pilot is being managed by volunteer group Bee Friendly Kenilworth (BFK) with the support of Warwick District Council and Warwickshire County Council. BFK volunteers will monitor the sites, recording wildflower and bee species and organise litter picking events to ensure the sites remain attractive and become mini havens for nature.
For more information please get in touch with Bee Friendly Kenilworth (BFK):