What if I am disabled and using a wheelchair? Does all of this information apply?

  • Yes, providing your wheelchair is able to be carried safely and securely as per the vehicle manufacturer’s instructions.
  • All Coventry licensed hackney carriage vehicles are equipped for carrying most of the typical wheelchairs in use.
  • The majority of Warwick District council’s hackney carriages are wheelchair accessible.
  • Taxi (hackney carriage) drivers are obliged to provide assistance to wheelchair users e.g. putting wheelchairs in to vehicles, properly securing wheelchair users in the vehicle, loading luggage and removing wheelchairs and luggage at the end of the journey. In some instances, a driver may be unable to provide such assistance due to that driver having a medical condition and this will be confirmed by a ‘medical exemption certificate’ displayed within the vehicle.
  • Both taxi and private hire vehicles are obliged to carry assistance dogs (i.e. blind/hearing dogs) for no additional charge.
  • The meter should not be on until the journey commences.