Record details
- Application number
- Business name
The Star & Garter
- Street
Warwick Street
- Town
Leamington Spa
- Post code
CV32 5LL
- Submitted documents
- Submitted date
- Plan to enclose area
By use of barriers example show on the plan)
- What purpose will furniture be used for
Tables and chairs
- Width of existing pavement outside your business
- Width of pavement left
- Number of tables
- Dimensions of tables
see photo
- Any other information about the tables
as per the furniture used within the sites demise already
- Number of chairs
- Dimensions of chairs
see photo
- Any other information about the chairs
as per the furniture used within the sites demise already
- Other furniture
4 of the tables have a parasol built in the middle and 11 barriers
- Proposed length of licence
2 years
- Monday times
10:00 until 23:00
- Tuesday times
10:00 until 23:00
- Wednesday times
10:00 until 23:00
- Thursday times
10:00 until 23:00
- Friday times
10:00 until 23:00
- Saturday times
10:00 until 23:00
- Sunday times
12:00 until 23:00
- Name of insurance company
Lockton Insurance
- Insurance expiration date