Our waste enforcement team will help to tackle fly-tipping, accumulated waste and bins on the highway. This includes making regular spot checks across the district.
Pay a fixed penalty notice (FPN)
Please pay your FPN using the relevant links below:
- Fly-tipping
- Community protection notice breach
- Commercial bins stored on the highway
- Household bins stored on the highway
- Commercial duty of care
- Household duty of care
The number of fly-tipping cases in the district has risen from 2,032, in 2021 to 2,563, in 2022.
Fly-tipping is illegal. You can now be fined £1000 on the spot, just for putting your black bin bag out on the wrong day. The maximum fine for serious fly tipping is £50,000.
You can report fly-tipping online.
Help us stop fly-tipping
Everyone is responsible for their rubbish and to make sure it is disposed of properly. This is known as a “Duty of Care.” Fly-tipping incidents occur when people dump waste, often household items, rather than pay to dispose of waste correctly. If waste is fly tipped and traced back to the owner, you could face prosecution and a fine of up to £50,000.
How can you help?
Before you pay for your waste to be taken away, check how your waste can be disposed of the right way.
- Recycle your waste using household waste recycling centres (HWRC) or reuse charities instead.
- Arrange a council bulky waste collection. This service could be cheaper than a waste company.
- Use a waste company registered with the Environment Agency.
- Ask to see their waste carrier certificate.
- Keep all paperwork issued by the waste company.
Bins on the highway
All waste containers should be stored within the boundary of your property and presented at the kerbside no earlier than 7pm the night before collection. They should then be returned to your property within 24 hours of collection.
If you spot a property or business storing waste containers on the highway, please report this online by completing the below form.
Report accumulated waste or bins on the highway.
We want to support residents and businesses in the storage of waste. If you have any problems storing your containers off the highway, please contact us using the above form.
Accumulated waste
An accumulation of waste within the front boundary of your property is an offence. We can look to issue a community protection notice warning and if the waste is not cleared we will consider further action against you which may include the issue of a formal notice and a fixed penalty notice.
If you spot an accumulation of waste at a property, please report this online by completing the below form.
Report accumulated waste or bins on the highway.
Redeployable CCTV
Coming soon!!!