You vote in person at a polling station (usually in a public building, such as a school or local hall). 

Poll cards are delivered shortly before an election. Each member of the household who is eligible to vote should receive a poll card informing them of the date of the election, where their polling station is and the hours of poll. You do not need to take the poll card with you to be able to vote.

Search for your polling station

Map of polling stations in the district

Map of all polling stations

Attending the polling station

  • The hours of poll for all elections are 7am to 10pm
  • Give your name and address to the staff inside the polling station when you arrive
  • You’ll need to show your photo ID to confirm your identity in some elections and referendums.
  • You’ll be given a ballot paper containing a list of the people, parties or options you can vote for.

Voting and the electoral process on GOV.UK.

Polling districts, places, and station review 2023

Review of polling districts, places, and stations 

Accessibility in Polling stations

We have been working hard to ensure our polling stations are accessible to all voters without any barriers to voting. Our Presiding Officers and Poll Clerks are also specially trained in order to support you on the day.

Here to Help Badges

All polling station staff are provided with a ‘here to help’ badge which clearly states their job role. This enables voters to easily identify the staff working at the station and approach them for assistance.

Soft Grip Pencils

Our polling station staff can provide you with a soft grip pencils upon request. The pencils provided in the polling stations have soft grip adapters. This is to aid any voters with dexterity impairments to have the ability to easily hold the pencils and vote independently.

Large Print Ballot Paper

There is access to Large Print Ballot Papers inside the polling stations. This will help assist voters who are partially sighted and also voters who would like some time to look at the ballot paper before entering the booth.

Audio Ballot Papers

Our polling stations have Audio Ballot Papers available if required. These can be accessed via QR Code which are located inside the polling stations. This enables voters to use their smartphone as an audio device to listen to their ballot paper to assist with voting. 

Voting Companion 

A voter may be assisted by a companion, with the permission of the Presiding Officer. The companion, is required by law to complete a simple declaration. The Presiding Officer in the station will explain the process clearly to both the voter and their companion. 


Our polling station staff can provide you with a magnifier upon request. This will provide support to voters who are visually impaired and work by increasing the size of the text to become easier to read.

Tactile Voting Device

Our polling station staff can provide you with a tactile voting device upon request. Tactile voting devices are used to allow the voter to mark their vote on the ballot paper independently. Assistance will still be required in order to confirm the position of the candidate on the ballot paper they wish to vote for.

Braille Ballot Papers

Our polling station staff can provide you with a braille ballot paper upon request. This will assist voters with visual impairment to read the ballot paper contents in braille format. These are provided for information only and are not used to place your vote on.

Wheelchair accessible polling booth

Our polling booths have wheelchair accessible polling booths for voters to safely vote in private.

Accessibility resources

Myvotemyvoice – please visit my vote my voice website in order to access easy read guides to voting -

Electoral Commission BSL videos - BSL local elections voting guide 2022 (England and Wales) - YouTube

How we are improving

We are continuously looking at ways to improve our polling stations and will be implementing further measures in the future.

We have recently sent out a polling station accessibility survey to all our polling places in order to gather feedback on the resources they currently have to offer and how we can improve in the future. The key details included in the survey are

  • Hearing induction loops
  • Door bells
  • Disabled parking
  • Ramps
  • Additional chairs/seating
  • Level access to the building
  • Lighting
  • Extra requirements

With the feedback provided from this survey, we can look at ways to ensure voting is easy for all voters and their needs.

We also gained feedback from our polling station staff after this year's election to see if there were any issues around accessibility in the polling stations.

At the end of this year we will be conducting a review on all polling districts, places and stations to ensure they are fit for purpose and adequate to use going forward.

Have your say!

If you have any needs or requirements for voting at a polling station or have any feedback on how we can improve accessibility, please contact us on quoting ‘Accessibility Feedback’

This webpage will be regularly updated throughout the year as further information becomes available.

Accessibility resources 

 BSL: Voting in person at the polling station

Last Updated – October 23