Supplementary planning documents

The 2004 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act made provision for the preparation of Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) to provide greater detail on specific policies within individual Development Plan Documents (DPDs)/ the Local Plan.

Adopted SPDs

SPD Title Date of Adoption Summary
University of Warwick Campus Framework Masterplan December 2024 The SPD sets out a framework for guiding the level and broad location of growth on the main University of Warwick Campus and formalises design principles.
Net Zero Carbon May 2024 The Net Zero Carbon SPD will assist applicants with the implementation of the policies included in the NZC-DPD by providing detailed technical guidance to inform the development design and measures to be considered in preparing an Energy Statement.
Affordable Housing July 2020

Provides guidance for developers on when affordable housing will be required on developments, how much, and what type.

Developer Contributions July 2020 Sets out the likely contributions that developments will need to make.
Air Quality and Planning January 2019 Aims to assist in reducing the air quality impacts of development.
Public Open Space April 2019 Provides guidance on how new housing and commercial developments will be required to provide new open spaces or enhance existing spaces for leisure and recreations.
Parking Standards June 2018 Sets out the amount of parking expected to accompany developments of different land-uses for vehicles and bicycles, and minimum parking space dimensions.  The SPD was developed based upon evidence outlined in a separate report.
Residential Design Guide June 2018 Design principles for residential development, from whole estates to the extension of an existing home and for conversions.
East of Kenilworth March 2019 Sets out guidance for the comprehensive development of East of Kenilworth strategic allocations.
Custom and Self-build July 2019 Sets out guidance for developers providing custom and self-build plots.

The above SPDs have been/will be reviewed and updated in light of the adoption of the Local Plan in September 2017. 

Supplementary planning guidance

The following Supplementary Guidance remains relevant:

SPG Title Date of Adoption Summary
Riverside House Development Brief November 2021 This brief sets out the Council’s expectations for redevelopment of the Riverside House site. It will be used to enable the Council to select development proposals for the future development of the site, in line with the Council’s vision.
Policy H6 Guidance September 2019 Provides guidance for when assessing an application against Policy H6 of the WD Local Plan.
Provision of a mix of housing July 2018 Provides guidance on the mix of housing for large scale developments.
Barford Village Design Statement May 2009 Provides guidelines to anyone who wishes to make a change in the village, from small house extensions to new housing developments.  It aims to ensure that the things about Barford that residents most value are preserved, and if possible, enhanced.
Design Guidance for the Strategic Urban Extension South of Royal Leamington Spa and Warwick January 2016 This guide aims to ensure that development on the allocated sites south of Leamington Spa and Warwick come forward in accordance with the Garden Suburb ambitions for the area.  It is intended to inform the preparation and determination of planning applications in the area.
Planning and Development Brief – Station Area, Royal Leamington Spa September 2008 To guide the future development of the area.
Tournament Fields, Warwick.  Employment Land Development Brief March 2003 To guide the development of the employment area.
Garden Towns, Villages and Suburbs.  A Prospectus for Warwick District May 2012 Principles to guide growth in the district

Other guidance

Housing Mix Guidance

Statement of Community Involvement