The Leader appoints portfolio holders, from among the Cabinet members, to act as spokespersons for the service areas. Portfolio holder duties.
Councillor Ian Davison - Strategic Leadership
- Corporate Policy
- Strategic Partnerships
- Leisure Development Programme
- Programme Team - Development & Delivery of Major public realm projects
- Information Governance
- Civic & Committee
- Performance Management
- Corporate Support
- Electoral Services
- Climate Emergency Action Plan
- Biodiversity Action Plan
Councillor Jonathan Chilvers - Resources
- Accountancy
- Audit & Risk
- Procurement, Purchasing & Payments
- Exchequer (Council Tax & Business Rates
- Financial oversight of Milverton Homes
Councillor Lowell Williams - Climate Change
- Strategy for new WDC buildings (including housing stock) being zero carbon in use
- High-level framework for decarbonisation of existing Council homes and all Council buildings
Councillor Helen Adkins - Housing and Assets
- Housing Needs
- Landlord Services (less Community Health & Well-being)
- Housing Strategy and Development
- Business Development and Change, within Housing
- Milverton Homes and Joint venture
- Delivery of new homes
- Delivery of retro fit of fire safety, decent homes and decarbonisation programmes of HRA stock
- Compliance, Repairs & Maintenance Facilities
- Technical Surveying & management of contracts for Housing Investment Programme / Decent Homes works
- Building Surveying
- Internal Health & Safety
- Delivery of retro fit of fire safety, and decarbonisation programmes of Non HRA buildings
Councillor Ella Billiald - Arts and Economy
- Economic Development & Regeneration
- Including events, markets and tourism
- Arts & Culture
- Town Hall
- Spa Centre
- Pump Rooms
- Art Gallery & Museum and
- Arts development
Councillor Chris King - Place
- Building Control
- Development Management
- Development Control
- Planning Enforcement
- Land Charges
- Planning Conservation
- Planning Policy & Delivery, including Local Plan and all DPD's
Councillor Will Roberts - Neighbourhood
- Bereavement Services
- Contract Services
- Public Conveniences
- Off street Car Parking & Rangers
- Refuse & Recycling Collections
- Street Cleansing
- Grounds Maintenance
- Green Spaces
- Play Areas
- Green Space strategy
- Wildlife Strategy
Councillor Jim Sinnott - Communities and Leisure
- Environmental Health & Licencing
- Environmental protection
- Food safety
- Health & Safety
- Licensing
- Community Safety
- Emergency Planning
- Community Safety
- Safeguarding
- Sports & Leisure
- Leisure contracts
- Outdoor sport
- Active communities
- Communities
- Health & Wellbeing
Councillor Jessica Melrose - Transformation
- Helpdesk & Technical Support
- Infrastructure,
- Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
- Digital Mapping Services
- Local Land & Property Gazetteer (LLPG)
- Street Naming & Numbering
- Transformation & Applications Support
- Benefits & Customer Services
- Broadband delivery
- People
- HR
- Employee relations
- People Management
- Corporate Payroll
- Learning & Development
- Marketing & Communications
- Media
- Design
- Website
- Print Room