Anti-social behaviour (ASB) is any unreasonable behaviour or action that interferes with a resident’s quiet enjoyment of their home or which adversely affects the quality of life of people within the local community.
Section 1 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 defines ASB as “behaviour which causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more people who are not in the same household as the perpetrator”. This definition reinforces the idea that ASB is to some extent dependent on the tolerance and perception of the person affected.
ASB can encompass a wide range of activities, from those that cause minor nuisance or irritation to major incidents of harassment, threats or actual acts of violence.
Contact us
Make an anti-social behaviour enquiry online.
What the council can do to help with anti-social behaviour
You need to know what you can expect from us if you are experiencing anti-social behaviour. Antisocial behaviour minimum standards (86kb, PDF)
With the information you provide we can take steps to tackle anti-social behaviour including:
- Sending advisory letters about problems at specific locations
- Sending warning letters to the individual involved (or their parents) warning them about their behaviour
- Issuing Acceptable Behaviour Contracts to individuals to stop unacceptable behaviour
- Issuing Parental Responsibility Contracts to parents to prevent their children’s unacceptable behaviour
- Community Protection Notice, this can be served on you by either the Council or Police to prevent anti-social activity.
- Closure Power, to quickly close any premises being used to commit nuisance.
- Helping to secure Orders from the Court including: Parenting Orders - to ensure that parents take responsibility for their children’s actions; Criminal Behaviour Order - this can be served by the Court’s on anyone convicted of an offence or breaching a Community Protection Notice.
What you can do
- Be responsible for your own household and ensure you do not cause problems
- Look out for your neighbours
- Look after your neighbourhood
- Record any incidents of nuisance and report them to the appropriate agency
Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Case Review (formerly known as Community Trigger)
Tackling anti-social behaviour is a top priority for Warwick District Council, and we work in partnership with the Police, Warwickshire County Council, Registered Social Landlords and other local agencies to resolve all such incidents that are reported to us.
We want to be sure that we have responded appropriately to all reports of anti-social behaviour. If you do not feel that we have done so, the ASB Case Review offers you the opportunity to have us review how we dealt with a specific reported incident of anti-social behaviour.
What is the ASB case review?
The ASB Case Review was originally called the Community Trigger and was introduced in the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014. It gives victims and communities the right to request a review be carried out when they feel an ongoing problem or issue has not been properly addressed. It is designed to ensure that any report is being dealt with and that there has been an appropriate response. Watch the video below to learn more about this case review.
Who can use the ASB case review?
A victim of anti-social behaviour or another person acting on behalf of the victim with their consent, such as a carer or family member, Members of Parliament, local councillors or other professionals. A victim can be an individual, business, or community group.
To meet the threshold, the victim must have made at least three complaints in the previous six-month period. The three complaints do not have to be made to the same organisation, but must be about the same issue of anti-social behaviour.
A complaint about anti-social behaviour is qualifying if:
- it is made within the period of one month from the date on which the behaviour is alleged to have occurred; AND
- the application for an ASB Case Review is made within the period of six months from the date on which the first complaint is made.
- The threshold is about the incidents reported, not whether the agency responded. Where a person makes an application for the ASB Case Review and has made at least the set number of qualifying complaints, the threshold for a review is met, and the relevant bodies have a duty to undertake the ASB Case Review.
How do I initiate a review?
You can activate the review by completing the online form:
Or, by writing to Warwick District's Anti-Social Behaviour Officer at: Warwick District Council, Town Hall, Parade, Royal Leamington Spa CV32 4AT.
An application needs to include complete details of the incident you want reviewing including full date, time, individuals involved and which agency and department it was reported to. If an application does not include these details, a review cannot be carried out.
A period of one month from the date an incident is reported should be allowed before requesting a review. This is to allow time for the agency involved to respond to the initial report.
What happens next?
Receipt of your form will be acknowledged within four working days and a decision taken whether you meet the criteria for the ASB Case Review.
All applications for a review are initially assessed by Warwick District's Anti-Social Behaviour Officer. If you do not meet the criteria to activate the ASB Case Review, this decision will be verified by a multi-agency Case Management Group and notification of this decision issued.
If you meet the criteria, your details will be passed to Case Management Group to identify a lead agency to review the case. Once the review is completed, the result will be confirmed by the Case Management Group and the applicant notified of the outcome and any agreed actions.
The review process should be completed within twenty-eight working days from the date the lead agency receives the review request.
Please note that the ASB Case Review is carried out by the most appropriate agency which will usually be the one you have reported the issue to, it is not an independent review.
Antisocial behaviour policy - Housing
What if I am not satisfied with the outcome?
Warwick District Council’s ASB Review process is based on the guidance issued by the Home Office as updated in August 2019. If you are not happy with the outcome of the review or a decision that you do not meet the review criteria, you can appeal to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner,
ASB case review - annual statement
From 1st January 2024 to 1stJanuary 2025, we received 3 requests to carry out a review, which breakdown as follows:
- Two cases were accepted for review, one resulted in recommendations for Stonewater Housing and Environmental Protection. The other resulted in recommendations for Stonewater Housing and Warwickshire Police
- One case was accepted for review, the applicant did not follow through with the review.
The aim of the CCTV scheme is to make our streets safer for everyone, to improve security in our car parks, to help Warwickshire Police identify offenders and contribute towards the management of the district:
This advice will help you to understand what you need to do if you are considering installing, or have already installed, a CCTV system (or similar technology, such as video-equipped doorbell devices) in your home:
Information for council tenants
The Anti-Social Behaviour Act of 2003 places a requirement on local authority landlords to publish a statement of policy and a summary of procedures explaining how it deals with anti-social behaviour for council tenants.
- ASB Statement of Policy and Procedures (54kb, PDF)
- ASB Summary of Current Policy and Procedures (67kb, PDF)
Ball games
The council receives complaints about ball games, especially in spring and summer. Our guidance notes on football and ball games (161kb, PDF) gives more information and advice about the council's position.