HomeChoice is a scheme which we, at Warwick District Council, operate with several housing associations. We let available homes to those in housing need. We advertise new and existing council and housing association properties through HomeChoice. This means that you will only have to fill in one form to apply for housing and everybody is assessed in the same way, no matter who the landlord is.

HomeChoice application form

A new online HomeChoice application form will be available from April 2025. 

Please complete the application form to join the housing register:

You can pick up an application form from - Brunswick Hub, 98-100 Shrubland St, Leamington Spa, CV31 3BD (Phone 01926 422123 for their opening times).

Or you can contact us by phone, 01926 456129 option 2 and we will post or email an application form to you.

Application guidance and policies

The Council's Allocations Policy and a helpful information booklet can be acessed via the links below

Returning your form

You can return your completed application form to:

Royal Pump Rooms, The Parade, Royal Leamington Spa, CV32 4AA

Or send by post to:

Warwick District Council, Housing Services, Town Hall, Parade, Leamington Spa, CV32 4AT

You will get a letter (usually within 21 days) about your banding and to confirm your registration. Once you have this, you will be able to bid on properties online.

Current properties and bidding

For more details about an advertised property, please contact the landlord of the property using details contained in the advert. We will not be able to provide you with specific details or locations of properties advertised by partner organisations on HomeChoice.

Registering for HomeChoice

To register on HomeChoice, you must:

  • be over 16 years old (we usually only offer tenancies to applicants aged over 18 so if you are under 18 please contact the Housing Advice Team to discuss your options).
  • meet the immigration rules to move into social housing;
  • not be guilty of 'unacceptable behaviour ' (i.e. breaking the terms and conditions of any current or former tenancies)
  • have a local connection to Warwick district.

To have a local connection to Warwick district, you must:

  • have lived in the district by choice for at least 6 months out of the last 12 months, or at least 3 years out of the last 5 years.
  • be employed or can evidence an offer of employment in Warwick district, permanent or temporary paid work for a period of at least one year; or
  • have a close family connection in Warwick district (son, daughter, brother, sister, mother or father, or person acting in place of a parent, who is over 18 and has lived in accommodation in Warwick district for at least 5 years before the date of your application).; or 
  • be able to evidence a continuing caring responsibility for someone resident in the Warwick district area; or
  • be a Warwickshire County Council Care Leaver aged between 16 and 21; or
  • be able to evidence you are in or due to start training or further education for at least 6-months or more in Warwick districts area

Logging in and bidding for the first time

To create a HomeChoice account, you will need the user-number which is sent to you when you first register (please keep this number safe).

Enter your user-number, personal details and set a password. Your password must contain at least one number and one capital letter, and be six or more characters long.

Forgotten user-number or password

Frequently asked questions

Please find below a list of frequently asked questions for the Homechoice and applying for social housing.