Applying to rent a council garage

The council has garage sites located across the district. You may apply to rent one, even if you are not a current tenant of a council home.

If you are a council tenant, please ensure that your rent account is clear. Your application will not be accepted if you have arrears on your current tenancy or arrears from a previous tenancy. If you rent a garage and the rent account of your council home falls into arrears, you will be required to give up the garage.

Garages are to be used for the sole purpose of keeping motor vehicles and not for storage.

When a garage becomes empty, an offer will be made from the waiting list. In choosing who gets the offer the Lettings Officer will follow the council policy which is to prioritise applicants as follows:

  • Priority 1 - Tenants of the council and those occupying former council property.
  • Priority 2 - Members of the public living close to the garage site.
  • Priority 3 - Members of the public not living close to the garage site.

Where there are two or more applicants in the same priority type, offers will be made first to those who have been waiting longest. Applicants must be over the age of 18 years.

If you would like to apply to go on the waiting list for a garage, please complete a garage application form and return it to:

Warwick District Council, Town Hall, Leamington Spa, CV32 4AT

Giving up your garage

If you want to give up your garage, you must give one week's written notice from a Monday. Keys should then be hand-delivered to the Royal Pump Rooms by 12pm on a Monday. If you fail to hand in your keys on time, you will continue to be charged the full weekly rent until the keys are received.

Report a garage repair

Call (01926) 456129 or email on

Tell us about your website visit.