- Parish and town councils
- Parking
- Parking fine/ticket
- Parking in Kenilworth
- Parking in Leamington
- Parking in Warwick
- Parking locations (cycling)
- Parking permits
- Parks
- Pavement furniture licence
- Pavements
- Paying council bills
- Paying your council tax
- Payments to suppliers
- Penalty Charge Notices (PCN)
- Permitted development
- Personal searches
- Pests and nuisance
- Petitions
- Planning
- Planning appeals
- Planning applications
- Planning permission
- Planning policy
- Planning staff contacts
- Play areas
- Podback recycling scheme
- Political structure
- Polling stations
- Pollution
- Portfolio Holders
- Potholes
- Primary schools
- Princes Drive recycling centre (tip)
- Private housing
- Private landlords
- Private tenants
- Procurement
- Property name change
- Public toilets
- Public transport
- Pubs and clubs
- Pump Room Gardens