Planning Committee meetings are held at the Town Hall, Royal Leamington Spa. Meetings are livestreamed on our YouTube channel.
Videos will be saved shortly after the meeting takes place, and the recording of the meeting will be kept on YouTube for later viewing. Interested parties may also register to speak at the meeting.
Broadcasts of the meeting will be available for 12 months, after which, they will change to a private video.
Planning Committee
Public meetings of the Planning Committee are held every four weeks and the agendas are published five working days before a Planning Committee meeting.
All meetings of the Planning Committee are open to the public, except when there are items which are confidential or exempt and these are likely to be considered in private.
Development Services will notify those people who have made representations, applicants and Town/Parish Council's of the inclusion of the particular application they are concerned about on the agenda and advise them of their right to speak at the meeting.
Copies of the agenda are available on the Council's website. Copies of the agenda along with the Addendum report (which summarises any further comments received after the printing of the agenda) will also be available a the same link.
Public speaking at Planning Committee
We encourage public involvement in the planning process. Members of the public have the opportunity to put their views on a planning proposal direct to the Planning Committee.
The Council expects all participants in its meetings to behave in a courteous and respectful manner at all times. This extends to not just the way you conduct yourself during the meeting, but also to what else you share. Anything of a discriminatory, racist, obscene or defamatory nature, or otherwise deemed as offensive by the Council, will not be tolerated and the Council reserves its right to cease your participation in the meeting at any time.
Apply to speak at Planning Committee
The publicity arrangements for planning applications are not changed by the introduction of public speaking rights. Letters of support or objection will continue to be taken into account and summarised in the written report which members of the committee will consider.
Applicants, agents, supporters and objectors can speak, together with a representative of the relevant Parish or Town Council and the Warwick District Conservation Advisory Forum. District Councillors also have a right to address the committee when applications that affect their ward are discussed.
It is important to note that there are limits on the time available to speak to the committee, which vary depending on the type of application. The details of these can be found on page 20 of the Council Procedure Rules.
If you have sent in written comments on an application and that application is referred to Planning Committee for decision, we will write to you with details of the date and time of the meeting and how you can register to speak at the meeting. The deadline to register to speak is 10am on the working day before the meeting.
Probity in Planning
The Probity in Planning document is based on the Local Government Association and Planning Advisory Service Probity in Planning guide. It clarifies how Councillors can get involved in planning discussions on plan making and on applications, on behalf of their communities in a fair, impartial and transparent way.
This guide has been written for Councillors and officers involved in planning, who both should be familiar with their respective codes of conduct and appropriate guidance.
This guide is not intended to, nor does it constitute, legal advice. Councillors and officers will need to obtain their own legal advice on any matters of a legal nature concerning matters of probity.